One Gallery, Two Solo Exhibitions
Concurrent solo exhibitions by two thrilling Arizona artists will fill the YC Prescott Art Gallery this winter with strange ceramic creatures and delicate mixed-media messages.
Tristyn Bustamante: Postbiological Ponderings
On one side of the gallery, artist Tristyn Bustamante will show her Postbiological Ponderings, an exhibition of colorful ceramic sculptures built by traditional hand-building and throwing methods. A graduate of Arizona State University, Bustamante designed each form with the intent to produce playful sculptures which are ideologically deep yet approachable. Her aim in this ongoing body of work is to impart an overall experience of wonderment toward a place in time where technologies have integrated with living organisms and evolved.
Tristyn Bustamante “Virtual Apperception Test, The New MSR”
Tristyn Bustamante “Settings: Feel From a Distance”
Tristyn Bustamante “Blow System”
Tristyn Bustamante “Augmented Vestigial”
Tristyn Bustamante “Hyper Touch Tooth Walker”
Tristyn Bustamante “Amoeba Gargantua”
Tristyn Bustamante “Amoeba Gargantua” (Detail)
Tristyn Bustamante “Billow”
Tristyn Bustamante “Billow” (Detail)
Tristyn Bustamante “Biosynthetic Metamorphosis”
Tristyn Bustamante “Rural Coterie”
Tristyn Bustamante “Rural Coterie” (Detail)
Tristyn Bustamante “Rural Coterie” (Detail)
Tristyn Bustamante “Rural Coterie” (Detail)
Tristyn Bustamante “Multidimensional Mollusk Transference”
Tristyn Bustamante “Multidimensional Webb Seers 2.0”
Tess Mosko Scherer: When Women Were Birds
On the other side, artist Tess Mosko Scherer will present When Women Were Birds, an exhibition of intricate mixed-media images born from paper and thread, in which simplified form and color convey and illuminate complex and universal themes. A former gallery owner and director, Mosko-Scherer is Executive Director of the Arizona Art Alliance and Director of Facilitation and Curriculum for the World Academy for the Future of Women, for which she has presented arts programs in China and Bangladesh.
Tess Mosko Scherer "Boxed In II"
Tess Mosko Scherer "Mandala Series: Time and Again"
Tess Mosko Scherer "Letting Go II"
Tess Mosko Scherer "Letting Go I"
Tess Mosko Scherer "Letting Go III"
Tess Mosko Scherer "Letting Go IV"
Tess Mosko Scherer "Letting Go VI"
Tess Mosko Scherer "Letting Go V"
Tess Mosko Scherer "Variations on Voice: I Love You I Love Myself - Love"
Tess Mosko Scherer "Variations on Voice: Let's - Promise"
Tess Mosko Scherer "Variations on Voice: I Forgive You I Forgive Myself - Compassion"
Tess Mosko Scherer "Variations on Voice: Grateful - Gratitude"
Tess Mosko Scherer "Variations on Voice: I am Enough Exactly as I am Right Now - Acceptance"
Tess Mosko Scherer "Variations on Voice: Yes - Risk"
Tess Mosko Scherer "Variations on Voice: No -Boundaries"
Tess Mosko Scherer "She Remembered"
Tess Mosko Scherer "When Women Were Birds: The Crone"
Tess Mosko Scherer "When Women Were Birds: Joy"
Tess Mosko Scherer "When Women Were Birds: Wisdom"
Tess Mosko Scherer "Unbound I"
Tess Mosko Scherer "The Dance of the Dissident Daughter I"
Tess Mosko Scherer "The Woundedness of Being Human"
Tess Mosko Scherer "The Permeability of Being Alone"
Tess Mosko Scherer "Unbound II"