Art and Adornment
Prescott artist, Leslie Parsons, creates non-traditional monoprints and contemporary enamel and silver jewelry. Working with a wide variety of materials from silver and 24K gold to polymer, enamel, tribal elements, and found objects, she creates one-of-a-kind contemporary designed jewelry. Using non-toxic Akua inks, she makes a broad range of variable edition monoprints. These two very different art forms overlap as many of her original monoprints morph into enamel designs on her earrings or even as parts of her pendants.
Leslie Parsons "Are Those Poppies on that Billboard?"
Leslie Parsons "Pearl on a Shell"
Leslie Parsons "Track Retired, Bridge Crumbling, Safety Forgotten"
Leslie Parsons "Too many Cardboard People"
Leslie Parsons "My Winter Scarf"
Leslie Parsons "Raven on a Rock"
Leslie Parsons "Things Grow Pretty Wild Around Here"
Leslie Parsons "Blue Moon"
Leslie Parsons "Message from the Past"
Leslie Parsons "They Hung Me Out to Dry"
Leslie Parsons "Polaroid Exposure #26"
Leslie Parsons "Pyrite Infused Fossil"
Leslie Parsons "The Old Ball and Chain"
Leslie Parsons "The Measurement of Poppies
Leslie Parsons "Plants on a Scale of 1-10"
Leslie Parsons "The Night She Hit High C"
Leslie Parsons "Sunshine in my Heart"
Leslie Parsons "Something Borrowed, Something Blue"
Leslie Parsons "Raw Wood"
Leslie Parsons "My Window on the World"
Leslie Parsons "Blue with Orange Dots"
Leslie Parsons "Side Car at the Mine"
Leslie Parsons "Vern and Earl's Important Cabinet"
Leslie Parsons "Petroglyphs on Stone"
Leslie Parsons "The Checker Board"
Leslie Parsons "Sadness of Leaves"
Leslie Parsons "Fossil Fish"
Leslie Parsons "I've Numbered the People in my Dreams"
Leslie Parsons "Tulip in Bloom"
Leslie Parsons "Some Things Flourish, Some Things Die"
Leslie Parsons "Plants in Black and White"
Leslie Parsons "In a Green Sea"
Leslie Parsons "Black Lines with a Hole"
Leslie Parsons "Window Rock"
Leslie Parsons "Nuclear Reaction #43"
Leslie Parsons "The Moon has a Satellite"
Leslie Parsons "Buttons and Brass"
Leslie Parsons "Not a Healthy Garden"
Leslie Parsons "A Tangled Vine"
Leslie Parsons "He Cooked the Books"
Leslie Parsons "Green and Blue Triangles"
Leslie Parsons "My Angel is a Bit Grumpy"
Leslie Parsons "A Bee on the Hom"
Leslie Parsons "A Fence Around My Thoughts"
Leslie Parsons "I heard it on the Grapevine"
Leslie Parsons "Deconstructing a Radiator"
Leslie Parsons "Yellow Triangles"
Leslie Parsons "A Darker Shade of Green"
Leslie Parsons "I'm not a Lateral Thinker"
Leslie Parsons "Do You Ever Feel Our Civilization is Crumbling?"
Leslie Parsons "The Gift 2"
Leslie Parsons "Fencing"
Leslie Parsons "Rugged Terrain"
Leslie Parsons "Too Late Now, the Cows are all Gone
Leslie Parsons "Arizona Ghost Town"
Leslie Parsons "Sarah's French Café"